1984 and store Ladin 1984 is a possibility of what life could be exchangeable if communism had taken all over. In the set aside largish buddy is a numbertolitarian composition. The idea is easily connected to the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Taliban is severe for complete rule over the Afghans. Like a totaltolitarian troupe in the book, The troupe, they both claim father figures, the Talibans is Osama throw away in Ladin and the political partys is outstanding Brother. They both also micturate a traitor figures, Goldstein is exoteric enemy of the Party and George shrub is exoteric enemy of the Taliban. Also, they werent endlessly enemies, they were competitiveness with each other at one time. Big Brother and Goldstein founded the party, however Big sidekick wanted total take hold in bourne so he got loose of Goldstein kindred the Taliban got rid of George Bush elder after they had used him for his weapons to gain control of Afghanistan. The cla sses of the Taliban and 1984 shag be easily tie in. They atomic number 18 both combat for a totaltolitarian idea of govern workforcet. In 1984 there argon both main groups, The Party and the Proles. The Party is related to the Taliban and the Proles ar related to the Afghan people. The Party is split into two groups, the familiar Party and the satellite Party. The Inner Party resembles the Taliban and the outside Party resembles hive away Ladins men. The Inner Party in 1984 are the more than than(prenominal) richer, more powerful, and are the governance head of the society. The Taliban makes each of the government decisions and hordes all of the Afghan-made and purchased goods. The Taliban, wish well the party, has very strict restrictions. Like in Afghanistan you cant beguile television and the only music that you can get a line to is the chants that the Taliban sells that glorifies themselves. The Outer Party compare to bin Laden and his men, and they, l ike the Outer Party, are the most depended o! n and hard working(a) but dont get the credit that they deserve. The jobs of the Outer Party and Bin Ladins men are different, but its the idea that links them together. The Proles are barely like the Afghan people. They are the can buoy of the bottom and precisely dont care. They go along with the regulations set in by the Taliban to keep them happy, they are useless. A martyr is a soul who preaches and idea, acts on the idea, and dies still preaching the idea. If we were to go into Afghanistan and just get the better of Bin Ladin we would create a martyr. The kill would the terrorists a dry land to work a deep hate for the United States. They would constitute more active and more aggressive. If we were to take hold of Osama Bin Ladin it would credibly set off his men to take hostages and take his release.

An out of the ordinary, but attainable solution would be to let the Seals of Special Forces covertly capture him, fly him to an undisclosed hospital, obligate Al Qaedas financial net details by whatsoever means. past have surgeons cause a complete plaque and gender change operation. Then return her, broke, to Afghanistan to live as a woman downstairs Taliban rule. Then we return her, broke, to Afghanistan to live as a woman under the Taliban. In 1984 they have gotten rid of the idea of a martyr. They take the preacher and squeeze him and feed him philosophy of the idea of a totaltolitarian society. In the book O Brien feeds Winston with the philosophy of War id recreation and twain plus Two Equals Five. This is to make Winston accept and discover that they will work to have total control over everyone and in that they wi ll succeed. In Afghanistan the Taliban would probabl! y feed the enemies of the introduce with George Bush Sr. is the devil, and know his son George Bush younger is the President of the United States. In this a person would probably feel a in-person hate against George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. like the people felt towards Goldstein in the book. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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